Oleg А. Chagin (olegchagin) wrote,
Oleg А. Chagin




Tomashevich T.V.1), Bogdanov A.N.2)

1) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Mochovaya St., 11, Moscow, 125009, Russia

2) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics, Michurinsky pr, 1, Moscow, 119192, Russia


Introduction. The article is dedicated to the memory of a young researcher at the Institute of Anthropology, Moscow State University and a graduate of the Department of Anthropology, archaeologist B.I. Tatarinov (1913–1941).

Results and discussion. B.I. Tatarinov descended from the working class family and managed to get higher education at one of the best universities of the country thanks to the program of free higher education for the working people adopted by the Soviet authorities. He had just started his scientific and pedagogical work but tragically died in the first months of World War II, defending his homeland in the ranks of the national militia. The fate of B.I. Tatarinov is very characteristic of the Soviet generations of the pre-war years, whose life and work was interrupted by the war. There are few things left from the scientific heritage of B.I. Tatarinov - some reports on scientific expeditions, several exhibits in the Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University. Our grateful memory of him is a tribute to the people of Moscow University - the defenders of our homeland.

Keywords: archaeology; science history; biography of B.I. Tatarinov; Upper Palaeolithic; Crimea Palaeolithic sites


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Information about Authors

Tomashevich Tatyana Vladimirovna, Researcher, tomashevicht@mail.ru;

Bogdanov Andrei Nikolaevich, PhD, bogdanov@imec.msu.ru.

(Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 23. Антропология. 2019, с. 140-147).


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